
Monday, May 28, 2012

On Your Mark...

This weekend we celebrated Brock's birthday.  One thing on our list of 100 things is to break a pinata.  I figured what better time to do it than at Brock's party?

So silly me, I didn't get a good picture of the pinata, just the kids pulling the strings...oops!  Anyway, this was one of the coolest pinatas I've ever seen.  I don't know about you, but a bunch of 3 years olds, blindfolded, swinging a bat while dizzy doesn't sound like a very good idea to me.  Someone is bound to get a black eye.  But this pinata was a pull string pinata!  I thought it was pretty cool and the kids got a kick out of it too.

Crazy enough, the last ribbon pulled just so happened to be the trap door string.  What luck!

A few tips for pull string pinats:
  1. Hang the pinata from a very sturdy string.  When we got to the last ribbon to pull, the trap door didn't come open very easy and the ended up pulling the whole pinata  down.
  2. Get smaller candy.  My lovely assistant Ashley had to help me shake out the candy.

Happy 3rd Birthday Little Man

Friday and Saturday (June 1st and 2nd) we'll probably do a few small things, but starting June 3rd, we kick of with Dairy Week!  I'll do a post later this week on our plans!

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